Supplier Policies

Building long-term relationships with suppliers based on transparency and mutual respect are key values for Bradford.

We actively seek out and favor business partners who share our values and our ethical commitment. We are committed to supporting suppliers who meet our social responsibilities and standards while having the courage to end the relationship with those who do not meet them.

As a supplier of Bradford, we expect you to comply at the minimum with your local legislation with regards to labor standards, including working hours and wages, as well as to the specifics that are listed here below:

  • All your employees must be at least 16 years old.
  • No forced or bonded labor of any type
  • Safe working and, if applicable, living conditions must be provided to your employees
  • Employee's freedom of association must be respected
  • All forms of discrimination must be avoided

We are also expecting you to ensure that your own suppliers respect these standards, for which you will be directly accountable.

By becoming a supplier of Bradford, you also agree that we may audit your site(s) in accordance with international "SA 8000 - Social Accountability" standards. As with all our audit activities, any information gathered during this audit will remain strictly confidential and won't be communicated outside Bradford.