Benzoyl Peroxide Bar Soap: Common Questions and Expert Answers
If you've ever struggled with acne or pesky blemishes, chances are you've come across benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as a potential solution. In the realm of skincare, BPO is a well-known ingredient praised for its acne-fighting properties, and its popularity isn't waning!
Transitioning to Natural Deodorant: What to Expect
Switching from conventional deodorants to natural alternatives is a conscious choice many individuals make to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Natural deodorants are gaining popularity due to their avoidance of ingredients perceived to be harmful, which are often found in mainstream products.
The Future of Sustainable Skincare Comes in a Stick Format
We live in a fast-paced world. If we know one thing for sure, it's that today's personal care consumer wants a fast, simple skincare routine that is both eco-friendly and efficient. As we've explained in an article from earlier in the year, skinimalism is in. The five-step beauty routine is out.
Multi-Function Skincare is on the Rise, and Here’s Why
Today, consumers realize that less is more. If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that sometimes, we over-overindulge. We don’t need as much “stuff” as we used to. Notably, personal care is an area where paring down has become the new normal.
Gentle & Eco-Friendly: Our New Makeup Removal Bar
Making a conscious effort to reduce plastic usage and water waste is becoming easier as more and more skincare companies choose to go the solid-cleansing route. Generations Y and Z are some of our clients’ biggest target markets, and they care more about sustainable purchase choices than generations before.
Gentle Makeup Brush Cleaner in a Solid, Sustainable Format
Year over year, younger generations have made the switch to solid cleansers from liquid ones. This is because these personal care products are much more ecologically friendly. The vast majority of Bradford’s product offerings are formulated with little water and minimal packaging.
4 of the Best Exfoliating Soaps
We live in a much different world than we were just a couple of years ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to take extra safety measures like staying home more often, washing our hands more, and simply focusing on the things we hold most dear.
Bar Soap Myth: Does It Really Dry Out Skin?
At Bradford, we strive to provide both helpful and factual content. Skincare has become increasingly critical to our overall health and protection as we navigate through unexpected twists and turns during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, we have begun debunking some well-known bar soap myths.
Consider this Bar Soap Myth Debunked
Sometimes trends can inhibit the truth behind proper skincare. If you lived through the 1980s or 90s, you’d likely recall the sudden and overwhelming explosion of body washes on the market. Whether you preferred those iconic shower gels with the build-in bottle hook or delighted in cotton candy-scented brands from your local drug store, chances are, you felt fancy.
Introducing Our New Laundry Bar for Stain Removal
Forget the spray bottles, powders, and push pens. Bradford is re-innovating the laundry stain remover! The newest edition of our ever-evolving line of products is our Lavender Laundry Bar for stain removal. Although we don’t see many solid bars for laundry on the market today, it is a very classic idea.
How to Use a Kitchen Bar
If you’ve never heard of a kitchen bar, you aren’t the only one. Sustainability is an ever-important characteristic to consumers and removing unnecessary water from everyday products just makes sense. Inspired by our foundation of creating innovative personal care products using little to no water, Bradford decided it was time for something new. That’s why we’ve formulated our signature kitchen bar.
Your Skin’s Microbiome: The Ultimate Protection
When you hear the word “bacteria,” what are the first things that come to mind? Germs? Ugly tiny organisms covering kitchen counters? If you are like most people, you’re likely drumming up poor imagery in your head. Believe it or not, bacteria get a horrible reputation.
EcoEx™ Olive Oil Base
A soap base that prominently features one of the oldest, most efficacious beauty ingredients of all time.
Pollution Defense Bar
In light of recent FDA scrutiny, is Pollution Defense the answer to anti-aging claims?